Specializing in Hazardous Tree Removal and Land Clearing!

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12 Worst Trees to Plant in Your Yard

  1. Fruitless mulberry trees: roots break lawnmowers and these trees really pump out the allergenic pollen. Shade is also too deep for lawns.
  2. Sweetgum trees: big roots that poke out of the lawn.
  3. Pine trees: root problems and pollen too.
  4. Sycamore trees: usually grow way too large for most yards and they produce fuzz that makes people itch.
  5. Cedar trees: a female cedar is a nice, pollen-free tree, but grows way too large for most houses and yards.
  6. Magnolia trees: these have shallow roots and if you ever have to rototill your yard, if you have a magnolia tree in the lawn, you’ll be sorry. Shade is too dense too for most lawns.
  7. Lombardy poplars: these common trees grow fast and die young, leaving you with a huge mess. They also are male and produce lots of pollen.
  8. Olive trees: unless it is a Swan Hill or some other non-flowering olive, this one will cause all kinds of allergies. The olives are a big mess too.
  9. Walnut trees: nothing grows well under them and they produce lots of pollen and also smelly walnut fruit husks that draw flies.
  10. Brazilian Pepper trees: roots are a problem for mowing, the shade is too deep for lawns, and they cause skin rashes and other allergies.
  11. Seedless or fruitless Chinese Pistache trees: big producers of the most allergenic pollen. Slow to leaf out in spring.
  12. Catalpa trees: slow to leaf out in spring and fast to lose their leaves in the fall. No real fall color at all and they are known to shed considerable amounts of allergenic pollen each spring.

Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Tree Removal Service Company

Overgrown vegetation and trees on your own house may get out of hand especially if you do not make use of the services from a tree removal company in Atlanta. Keep in mind that untrimmed trees and plants can cause severe damage to your home and your sewer lines. If you have not experienced having plumbing issues and poor sewer lines that are caused by overgrown plants, consider yourself lucky. Unlike home damages caused by natural calamities, septic damages caused by untrimmed plants are usually not covered by home insurance plans. Thus, a lot of people will find themselves spending a great deal of money to resolve such issues. So, if you want to prevent these complications and unnecessary expenses, it is best that you hire a proficient tree servicing company as soon as possible.
There are a lot of benefits that can be obtained by hiring a professional tree and plant service company. One of the main reasons why you should hire a professional company that removes plants and trees is that it helps maintain safety in your outdoor environment. A professional tree and plant removal company will remove old and diseased branches that could pose danger or interference in driveways and roads. If these tree branches are removed safely, cars can pass through roads easily, and people can walk along pathways without any danger of bumping into them. So, if safety matters to your outdoor environment, make sure to hire a reliable tree service company that offers tree and plant removal services.
If you need help in keeping your garden or backyard in order, a dependable and trusted tree and removal company will help you do that. Aside from removing overgrown shrubs and unsightly bushes, a professional tree removal in Atlanta will help you clean up all the unwanted blemishes on your property ground as well. By employing the services of a professional tree and plant removal company, your garden or yard will surely look better and more captivating.
Aside from trimming branches and cleaning the unnecessary bushes in your yard, a dependable professional tree service company offers tree planting services as well. Unlike regular people, tree servicing professionals have the adequate knowledge and skills to plant and grow healthy trees. Keep in mind the act of growing trees is very technically demanding. So, instead of planting trees on your own, it is best that you hire professional to do these things for you.
If you want to keep your trees and plants healthy, it is strongly recommended that you hire a professional tree servicing company. Keep in mind that tree servicing companies also offer tree pest and disease control services. These professionals have the knowledge, skills and equipment that can effectively remove all the dreadful and distressing pests in your plants and trees.
Without a doubt, convenience is one of the main benefits of hiring a tree servicing company. With the assistance of a professional servicing company, you no longer have to do tedious and time-consuming tasks that are related to tree maintenance.

How to Prune a Tree: 8 Tips to Remember

When it comes to pruning trees, you can hire a tree pruning service to do the job, or you can actually do it yourself. Here are a few tips to help you in your tree pruning.
Pruning your backyard trees is something every homeowner should do regularly for your family and your property's safety, to preserve the tree's health, and for aesthetic purposes. For large tree pruning which would require the use of a heavy saw or chain saw, it is advised that you call in a tree pruning contractor and have him do the job for you.
For trees that are of average size and only requires minimal pruning however, tree pruning is actually a job that you can tackle yourself given the right materials and instructions. All you would need are pruning shears and a pruning saw. Here are 8 tips that can help you in your tree pruning:
  1. Start by cutting off decayed limbs and branches that are structurally weak. These are those limbs that seem dead and those bearing wilted or distressed leaves.
  2. Make cuts outside the branch collar but do not completely flush to the trunk to allow viable growing branch bark and have better wound closure.
  3. For newly grown trees, leave the useful limbs untouched and just prune to form for the first two to three years.
  4. Some trees have forked trunks that can lead to different problems such as inferior form and health. Prune forked trunks to one dominate trunk.
  5. All stable branches should be pruned to the appropriate first branch height usually 8 feet upon maturity.
  6. After the first couple of years, a tree tends to grow rapidly. At this stage, try to eliminate branches that start to space out about 12 to 18 inches.
  7. To be able to prune a tree effectively, always remove decayed branches while keeping the wood stem intact. A general rule applied to tree pruning is to always cut on the branch side of the stem collar.
  8. Trees heal pruning wounds on their own so do not put wound dressing to seal cuts.
When you go by these simple steps on how to prune a tree, you will be sure to produce and maintain strong, healthy, and attractive trees.

How to Choose a Tree for Your Yard

Trees are not only the largest objects in your landscape, but they are the most permanent as well.  Therefore, choosing a tree for your yard is not a job to be taken lightly.  We've got some tips for how to select the right tree.
Selecting a tree for your yard is a big job.  Whether you're creating a landscape design for a new home or simply replacing a tree that was lost in a storm, trees are the largest and longest-lasting features of any yard.  Therefore, you want to be sure that you're selecting something that will meet your needs now and in the future.
Before you begin tree shopping, it will be important to analyze your needs and wants.  What are you hoping to accomplish with this tree?  Probably the most common answer to this question is shade.  Trees are an obvious choice if you want to shade a certain area of your yard, but trees can also achieve many other objectives such as creating privacy between your home and the neighbors' houses.  Flowering trees or those that feature brilliant fall foliage can create stunning visual centerpieces in your landscape design.  Other goals for landscaping with trees might include holding soil in a particular area of your yard or even attracting wildlife such as birds and squirrels.
Once you've identified your needs and wants, it's time to evaluate your soil, climate, and desired location for the tree.  Some trees, like crab apples, require a rich, well drained soil.  Others such as box elder and gingko are more tolerant of poor soil.  For areas with very moist soil, consider a species like willow, which will thrive near drains, streams, and riverbanks.
Climate is also an important consideration.  If you don't know what USDA zone you live in, call your local extension office and find out.  All plants are rated as hardy down to a certain zone, and you'll want to be sure you don't spend money on something that won't survive the winter or tolerate the heat in your area.  It's also a good idea to always buy from local nurseries and tree farms.
Sometimes large stores with garden centers will get trees shipped in from areas that have very different climates.  If you live in Iowa, for example, a maple or oak would be a good hardy tree in your area.  However, buying a young oak that came from a tree farm in Georgia would not be a good idea, because the tree might have trouble weather its first winter after being transplanted.
Finally, consider the location on your property where you intend to plant the tree.  The size of the area is of great importance.  One of the biggest reasons why trees have to be chopped down is because they have outgrown the space where they were planted, a result of the homeowner's poor planning when selecting the variety of tree.  Measure the maximum width that the tree will have to spread out, and then look for trees that will grow no larger than that size.  Keep in mind that you don't want branches overhanging a garage or your home, nor do you want branches tickling the power lines or your home's siding.
Once you've got all this information put together, it's time to do some research.  A trip to the library should yield a vast number of books that will provide resources on trees.  Look for a book that details many species of trees and outlines their fully grown size, soil requirements, zone hardiness, and growth rate.  Lacking such a resource, you may also be able to get good information from your extension office or a reputable nursery.
By taking the time to evaluate your needs, you will assure that the tree you plant will fit well in your yard, thrive in your climate, and enjoy a long life of meeting yours and your family's needs.

How to Plant a Tree

Selecting the right tree for the right place is a good first step in any landscape design, but proper planting also is important for getting your tree off to a good start. Trees are like all living creatures. They require more attention in the beginning to promote a long, healthy life.

Carefully choose the planting site. Trees are difficult to move once they are established. Check with local authorities for regulations on placement of trees. Some communities have ordinances restricting placement of trees within a specified distance of a street, sidewalk, streetlight, or other utilities. BEFORE DIGGING, make sure that all underground utilities are clearly marked. You wouldn’t want to cut off the electric power to your community or risk injury.

Carefully follow the planting instructions that come with your tree. If specific instructions are not available, follow these tips:

Dig a hole about twice the size of the tree’s root ball, or about one foot wider than the root system. The hole should be slightly shallower than the root ball. If the soil is especially heavy or wet, consider planting the tree slightly higher.

Remove all materials from the root mass. This includes wires, string, burlap, and biodegradable containers. Neglecting this will hinder proper root growth. Gently place the tree in the center of the hole and position it to grow straight. If the tree has a prettier side, place it in the direction most frequently viewed. If planting a bare root tree, carefully spread the roots. Crumble the soil removed from the hole and cover the roots with it. As you add soil to fill in around the tree, lightly tamp the soil to collapse air pockets, or add water to help settle the soil. Air pockets around the roots can be devastating to a newly planted tree.

Add about four inches of mulch--wood chips, shredded bark, or grass clippings--around the base of the tree, extending out to the tips of the outermost branches. A 3-foot diameter circle of mulch is common. Mulching will retain moisture, reduce weeds, maintain a more even soil temperature, and eliminate mowing next to the delicate bark. Be sure to pull the mulch away from the tree trunk because decomposing mulch can cause rot problems.

Finally, give the tree a thorough watering. If the root ball is extremely dry, allow water to trickle into the soil by placing the hose at the trunk of the tree.

Young trees need protection against rodents, frost cracks, sunscald, lawnmowers, and weed whackers. Plastic guards are an inexpensive and easy control method. Light colored tree wraps can be used to protect the trunk from sunscald. Usually, staking trees is not necessary unless you live in an area with high winds.

A properly planted and maintained tree will grow much faster and live much longer than one that is incorrectly planted. Trees can be planted almost anytime of the year as long as the soil is not frozen.

However, early fall is the optimum time to plant trees. For the first year or two, especially after a week or so of extremely hot or dry weather, watch your tree closely for signs of moisture stress. If you see leaf wilting or hard, caked soil, water the tree well and slowly enough so the water soaks in rather than runs off.

Take the time to give your tree a good start on life. You and the next generation will enjoy the benefits of your backyard tree for years to come.


Atlanta GA White Oak Tree Services...

White Oak Tree Service has been servicing Metro Atlanta GA and surrounding areas since 2015. We are a complete tree service located in Marietta GA offering an extensive variety of services for your landscape. Call or contact us today for a free proposal.
No removal job is too small. Call White Oak Tree Service for your FREE estimate today at (678) 988-7255.
